Clay Travis Calls on Republicans to Let American Citizens Take Down Big Pharma Over the Jabs
For two years, many of us have called for the Covid-19 "vaccines" to be pulled from the market and for ...
For two years, many of us have called for the Covid-19 "vaccines" to be pulled from the market and for ...
Medical tyranny has been ubiquitous in some form or fashion across the world for nearly three years. It ebbs and ...
It took months to analyze Covid-19, develop vaccine candidates, test them, produce them, and start distributing them to the masses. ...
For over two years, many of us in the "conspiracy theory" realm (which now includes anyone who goes against the ...
Medical science in America today is more like political science. Instead of letting facts or data-backed assumptions define policies, we're ...
They say correlation does not necessarily mean causation. It's a common argument used to diffuse what should appear to be ...
Imagine pills that send signals to your pharmaceutical overlords so they know you're actually taking their drugs and not faking ...
It's no surprise that the word "vaccine" is nowhere to be found in an article or the accompanying government report ...
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